A few ideas yes.
If you can turn on debugging by sending @48 then type your K command and send me 30 or so lines of messages from the AD2* when this is done.
1) Another keypad is at 19
2) 19 is not enabled on the partition that has a fault.
A few lines of messages from the panel so I can see the keypads that are enabled would help and again above the debug dump while sending will show if another keypad is on that same address.
will look something like this. This was me sending K01 to my 50PUL panel.
- Code: Select all
[01010001000100003A--],0fc,[f700000000fc804c0c020000202020],"SYSTEM LOBAT "
[01010001000000003A--],0fc,[f707001600fc800c0c0200002a2a2a],"ARMED ***AWAY***** ALL SECURE **"
[01010001000000003A--],0fc,[f700000000fc800c0c020000202020],"SYSTEM LOBAT "