Basic Question on Firmware Update

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Basic Question on Firmware Update

Postby edrikk » Wed Mar 03, 2021 7:56 am


I've read the wiki information on flashing the firmware as found here, as well as some posts that I found on the topic.

I've never had to flash the device (I bought at version 2.2a.8.8, so I'm not sure if my confusion is because the URL above is trying to convey the multiple ways one can flash, and I'm reading too much into it.

If the User is using the WebApp to update the firmware on a Raspberry Pi, is the process different than what's on the URL? I can't imagine asking the user to run an update via webapp, then have them ssh in to reset the device via a serial prompt, then go back to the web to update.

In short, my question is:
If the User is flashing via the WebApp, what are steps? I assume:
- Use webapp to export copy of config
- Flash via webapp
- Does the webapp do an automated config reset at this point?
- If yes, I understand User has to do a "next next" setup to get through config, and load the config exported above.
- If no, is there a need to do a reset or an import of the config?

Really appreciate it!
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Re: Basic Question on Firmware Update

Postby mathewss » Mon Mar 15, 2021 9:40 pm

Yes the URL describes older methods of firmware updates. The WEBAPP has a built in firmware update feature. It "should" save your settings and restore them. I suggest using the 'C' AD2 protocol command to grab the configuration in a human readable format you can save in your personal docs. It is very possible the configuration restoration can fail so after a firmware update I would advise at least confirming it has not been reset.

I recommend doing backups from the webapp. They do save the AD2 config settings in the backup but I have seen problems when doing a restore of the config that it wont properly set them back so they must be entered again after a restore by running the setup again. I hope that was clear. In any case do backups and get raw backup of AD2 settings is what I would recommend to anyone because stuff breaks :)

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