Custom button is for whatever you want, but an example use case would be a macro - such as "quick disarm" - just send your user code in the definition of the custom button.
You can see what each of the buttons sends by looking at the template file in templates/keypad/dsc.html
- Code: Select all
bindButtonEvents('#button-stay', 's', '', '', '', '');
stay button sends 's' for example
The > and < buttons don't have events bound to them and they are hidden with css as the firmware of the AD2USB has not implemented them yet.
- Code: Select all
<div id="keypad-button-row">
<!-- Arrow Keys -->
<input id="button-left" class="half_keypad-button_arrow" type="button" value="<" style="visibility: hidden"></input>
<input id="button-right" class="half_keypad-button_arrow" type="button" value=">" style="visibility: hidden"></input>
<!-- Normal Keys -->
<img id="button-1" class="keypad-button"/>
<img id="button-2" class="keypad-button"/>
<img id="button-3" class="keypad-button"/>
<input id="button-stay" class="half_keypad-button" type="button" value="Stay"></input>
For custom buttons, the label is what the button displays on your user interface such as "Quick Arm" and code is what to send to the panel, such as your user code "1234" no quotes, then in keypad view, clicking 'Quick Arm' will send "1234" to the panel
Not an employee of the company. Just here to help and keep things clean.