How do I tell what keypad id is assigned to a keypad?

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How do I tell what keypad id is assigned to a keypad?

Postby captain118 » Wed Aug 31, 2022 5:12 pm

I have the honeywell vista 20p system with three panels. I've been reading through the programming guide but I havent found a way to determine what id is assigned to each keypad. My concern is that the keypad id may already be in use. Any assistance would be great.
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Re: How do I tell what keypad id is assigned to a keypad?

Postby mathewss » Fri Sep 16, 2022 12:37 pm

Most keypads will tell you the address by pressing [1] and [3]
Read more:

Some will go into a different mode to program the internal RF5800 receiver and allow the address to be set for both they keypad and the radio.

Messages can be decoded and will help see what addresses are enabled but they wont tell you if the keypad is actually connected. You can enable a keypad at a given address and the panel will send messages to it even if the keypad is not connected.

Another feature that "may" help is the

If you enable this config bit you can press a key on any keypad it the console of your AD2* Device will spit out a message about the address of the device. It will be noisy for AUI keypads as you will see from my sample but maybe it will help someone.

Code: Select all
!Reading configuration.
!UART init.
[00100001000000100A--],024,[f72600ff10240082080200000010f0],"CHECK 24 DOOR   LOCK            "
[00100001000000100A--],024,[f72600ff10240082080200000010f0],"CHECK 24 DOOR   LOCK            "
[00100001000000100A--],024,[f72600ff10240082080200000010f0],"CHECK 24 DOOR   LOCK            "
[00100001000000100A--],024,[f72600ff10240082080200000010f0],"CHECK 24 DOOR   LOCK            "
[00100001000000100A--],024,[f72600ff10240082080200000010f0],"CHECK 24 DOOR   LOCK            "
!Reading configuration.
!UART init.
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