Vista 20p Key Fob zones and Alarm Decoder

General Discussion

Vista 20p Key Fob zones and Alarm Decoder

Postby gijosh28 » Thu Feb 27, 2020 5:21 am


Does Alarm Decoder report for the key fob zones, or any zones that I have configured for my key fobs?

Basically I would like to use my key fobs to run scenes from ST or my Hubitat. I use all eight loops on the key fob (each connected to a separate zone) to run different things. One button disarms the alarm unlocks the front door, and turns on those lights. Another disarms the alarm unlocks the garage door and opens the right garage door. Another disarms the alarm, unlocks the garage door and opens the left garage door. Etc. But I need Alarm Decoder to report that those zones triggered momentary with the press of the key fob button. I have 5 key fobs with 8 button combinations on each. All in all I have 40 zones dedicated the key fob buttons. Has anyone else made this (or something similar) work?

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