DSC Powerseries pro or neo?

General Discussion

DSC Powerseries pro or neo?

Postby pxnky » Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:09 pm


Anyone using these or know if they work? Or what about MAXSYS?

I liked the idea of addressable detectors, so I was looking at the PC5020 but looks like that is discontinued? I am getting ready to do a new install and am just wanting the best thing available today that AlarmDecoder supports. Looking for at least 64 zones and 4 partitions, preferably 128 zones.. just in case. Was planning on using it as a home automation state device for a lot of odd things and didn't want to be limited.

I was wanting supervised fire detection (class A I guess), and for some wireless devices I at least want them supervised so a jam would cause an alarm. I see the powerseries neo has a couple different frequencies it can hop to if it gets interference so that seems nice.. I don't want a lot of wireless sensors but some might be needed, at least temporarily.

Been reading manuals for hours but still hard to compare them and hard to know what AD supports.

Thanks for reading!
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