AUI log messages

General Discussion

AUI log messages

Postby edrikk » Tue Oct 17, 2023 4:58 am

I'm getting an AUI message in the webapp log every 1 to 2 second, and would like to stop the AUI messages from appearing in the log WITHOUT impacting any operational functionality.

I have done a lot of searching, and have found people talking about updating the bitmask but nobody mentions to what, and reading the documents I'm not able to decipher how the bitmask translates to this (again, without impacting anything else).

I have also seen this post which brute forces the matter by removing the code which puts the msg in the log.

I'm hopeful that someone is still reading this forum and is able to provide guidance.
Really appreciate it!
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Re: AUI log messages

Postby luma » Sat Dec 16, 2023 4:28 am

I just went through this myself so I figured I'd write up the process for the next guy.

1. Telnet to the device on port 10000
2. Hit "C" (note caps) and press enter
3. You should get a string back something like: MODE=A&CONFIGBITS=ff05&ADDRESS=18&LRR=N&COM=Y&EXP=NNNNN&REL=NNNN&MASK=ffffffff&DEDUPLICATE=N
4. You want the part after CONFIGBITS=, in my case that's ff05
5. Open Windows calculator, switch to programmer mode, then click on HEX.
6. To disable AUI reporting, enter your CONFIGBITS code, click AND, then enter FFFE, then =. The answer is your new CONFIGBITS, in my case that's FF04.
7. If you also want to disable RFX reporting, take your new value, click AND, then FEFF, then =. The answer is your new CONFIGBITS, in my case that's FE04.
8. Enter the following then press enter, note the double leading "C": CCONFIGBITS=fe04
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