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Can AlarmDecoderUI ST device filter out events?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 6:48 am
by dyong
Currently, the AlarmDecoderUI SmartThings device is faithfully capturing all of the events from my alarm panel, including a ton of RFX and AUI messages. In my normal usage of the SmartThings app, I mainly want to see when the last time the alarm system was turned on or off or became ready, I don't want to see all of those events.

Is there a way for the SmartThings service or device to be configured to filter only certain events that we care to see?


Re: Can AlarmDecoderUI ST device filter out events?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 9:39 am
by mathewss
I left myself a note to add the standard event filters to the Notification screen but no current it sends a fixed list of events. Needs to be put on github as a request to get done.

Sean M